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Unforgetten tale

Despite the pain It's hard to live,  In thousand different ways That we wish,  Deep down,  Every wish burns  In the heat of agony,  The soul screams  To let the pain vanish,  To the core  Every wish fights To its venture Persistently without pause,  Hoping,  To never be afraid of agony anymore,  Every wish strives To be a Long unforgotten tale,  A tale with hope To live • live • live To live a life  To make wishes And never fail  To fight against pains!            -Saduriya.M

Her Overthinking mind

To my Overthinking Mind, 
Can you do justice
To my Heart? 
My tiny Heart, 
doesn't handle 
your heavy thoughts, 
Which brings hurricanes 
In the heads, 
Chewing on the thought, 
Which fails to cheer, 
It makes me
Depressed, Dull, Distrubed, 
Loosing peace, 
Where my mind 
Filled with mess
That forget 
The meaning of Mindfulness, 
Millions of thoughts
Over and again
Which not even mean! 
Can you stop!! 
Struggling to the Hell
In search of solution! 
Failed to realize
It's inside oneself, 
To leave everything lightly
Where life is to be
Relished and 
To rejoice everyday!
            - Saduriya.M


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