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Unforgetten tale

Despite the pain It's hard to live,  In thousand different ways That we wish,  Deep down,  Every wish burns  In the heat of agony,  The soul screams  To let the pain vanish,  To the core  Every wish fights To its venture Persistently without pause,  Hoping,  To never be afraid of agony anymore,  Every wish strives To be a Long unforgotten tale,  A tale with hope To live • live • live To live a life  To make wishes And never fail  To fight against pains!            -Saduriya.M


This Life,

It's once lived and 

𝘼dored with 𝘽eloved, 

𝘾herishing all little things, 

𝘾elebrating all little moments

With 𝘾heerful smiles, 

That make us to 

𝘿well in 𝙀cstasy, 

Where you'll get

𝙀nlightened thoughts

That bring 𝙁ulfillment, 

To Find 𝙂reatness

That helps to 𝙂row


Where you'll attain 

Peace 𝙄nsideout, 

To create 𝙅oyous

With 𝙆ith and 𝙆in, 

 And 𝙇oving 'em

To the infinity, 

To Believe in 𝙈agics

That 𝙉ourish your life

𝙊ver and beyond


It's a 𝙋oesy

That's 𝙌uiet 

𝙍adiant to 


And 𝙏ranquility

It's those 

𝙐nique 𝙑𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙚𝙨 

And 𝙒ishes

Will lead to a 𝙭aern

𝙔ou will live a

 𝙕estful life. 

         - Saduriya. M


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