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Unforgetten tale

Despite the pain It's hard to live,  In thousand different ways That we wish,  Deep down,  Every wish burns  In the heat of agony,  The soul screams  To let the pain vanish,  To the core  Every wish fights To its venture Persistently without pause,  Hoping,  To never be afraid of agony anymore,  Every wish strives To be a Long unforgotten tale,  A tale with hope To live • live • live To live a life  To make wishes And never fail  To fight against pains!            -Saduriya.M

The love of my life

To you,

The love of my life,

I can't imagine 

A sunrise without you,

You turned my day

And my night,

You turned my mirth

And my sorrow,

You turned my Kith

And my kin,

You fill my heart

And my thought,

You handled my ups

And my downs,

You gave me peace 

Amid chaos 

In your shoulders 

And in the laps,

You are my best friend

And my better half,

You are "the one"

Of my life.

       - Saduriya.M


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