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Unforgetten tale

Despite the pain It's hard to live,  In thousand different ways That we wish,  Deep down,  Every wish burns  In the heat of agony,  The soul screams  To let the pain vanish,  To the core  Every wish fights To its venture Persistently without pause,  Hoping,  To never be afraid of agony anymore,  Every wish strives To be a Long unforgotten tale,  A tale with hope To live • live • live To live a life  To make wishes And never fail  To fight against pains!            -Saduriya.M


My weary heart

Struggles for peace,

Where there is no 


To unload my pain,

Tears filled eyes

Become dimmed

By deep thoughts,


My eyes didn't fail

To see the gleam,

Thee almighty

I bow to thy 

Lotus feet,

Where I found

The intent of life,

Thee washed my worries,

Thee washed my barriers,

Thee healed my heart,

Thee showers me grace

That turned my life 

Into great peace.

          - Saduriya.M

Picture: Pinterest


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