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Unwritten pages

My thoughts are not empty But my pen fails to engrave, My pages fails to fill Papers skips to flip,  Though my thoughts are not empty,  The words slips from nib My pages escapes to scribble,  Where papers remain unwritten,  Words fail to fall Where heart wails helpless,  My eyes struk frozen Where tears role with warmth,  The tired heart tries hard To fill with fulfilled thought,  Heart urges  For the flow of words Hoping for the struggle of words to settle,  There will begin a success story,  That write histories  With words.    - Saduriya. M

The menace of drug

To thee druggie
Finding thee inside the smoke
Is worse indeed,
Those odds become thy obsessions,
That dragged thee in a deep trap,
Can't thee comprehend the cunning evil?
That cut thy wings
Which Made thee fly,
The demon drug made thee motionless
Can't thee feel? It is hell,
Thee can't for heaven's sake!
Thee are in a mock heaven
Made of intoxications,
Thee become numb of the reality,
Have a look to thy Kith and kin,
Woke up again to maketh things okay
Quit the evil
Before it quits thy life!


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