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Unforgetten tale

Despite the pain It's hard to live,  In thousand different ways That we wish,  Deep down,  Every wish burns  In the heat of agony,  The soul screams  To let the pain vanish,  To the core  Every wish fights To its venture Persistently without pause,  Hoping,  To never be afraid of agony anymore,  Every wish strives To be a Long unforgotten tale,  A tale with hope To live • live • live To live a life  To make wishes And never fail  To fight against pains!            -Saduriya.M

Luminous orb

The great luminous orb, 
That opens eyes
in every cockcrow, 
The day starts 
When it rises, 
That fulgent in the ether, 
The great luminous orb, 
You are wondrous
When your eyes open in cliffs, 
The way you go into the sea enchants my sight, 
The great luminous orb, 
You maketh me raise, by making them chirp and tweet, 
You kiss my cheeks that maketh me cheer, 
The great luminous orb,
My sleepless nights hath waited for your raise, 
To show up the toil and my success to raise, 
My hopes are getting stronger  
Every day
When I see your shine,
The great luminous orb , 
You are life for the floras and faunas, 
And to the farmers
You maketh the seeds sprout,
And maketh their faces smile.


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